Conservative CNN Commentator Jeffrey Lord Tweets Nazi Salute, Promptly Gets Fired

How hot is Naziism right now? Shit’s everywhere. Can’t avoid it. Can’t miss it. We got Nazis on the blog, Nazis on twitter, Nazis on Barstool Radio, Nazis everywhere!

Look, Nazis are bad. No doubt about it. You can’t brutally torture and exterminate millions of people out of sheer hate and a belief in your own supremacy and get come away with good PR. No chance. Nazis are bad. Horrible. One of the worst types of people in the history of people.

However, I think Lord being fired over this is stupid. He was clearly mocking fascism. Naziism is probably too aggressive of a choice of what to inject for your mockery. It’s probably too soon. It will probably always be too soon, but still — it was clearly a mock job. It was just a joke. It was just an internet joke!

Now, many people have been saying Lord should be fired for a long time. CNN has taken more heat for employing him than Smitty after a kinda anti-semiticy drunk DM’ing weekend. And perhaps prior incidents triggered this firing, but this tweet alone isn’t worthy of a firing. Dude was clearly mocking. Just joking around on the internet. I’m a big internet joke guy and really would like to further the cause of protecting internet jokes. Internet jokes lives matter, and this here isn’t helping.


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